
A short summary, thumbnails, and links to the many Graphs on this site. The links will often take you to more than a graph or two. Sometimes they link to pages with tables and Excel spreadsheets where further analysis was done. These spreadsheets have easily manipulable data to refine the story of what colonial America was like, e.g., the Census of 1703 with details of every household in the town.

New-York Fires 1761 - 1775 (Part 1) There were twenty-five newsworthy fires in New York between 1761 and 1775. Graphs here show number of fires for each year and summary type of fire for the period. Also included are thumbnail links to the newspaper reports for each fire.

Population, Houses, Households circa 1700 (Part 1) Graphs, Tables, Speadsheets, and Analyses from the tax list of 1695 and the census of 1703. Solid estimate of the number of people per house and household in 1703. Downloadable spreadsheet of the accurately transcribed Census of 1703 (published here 2015). Data includes sex, age, race etc. by individual household.

Slaveholding by Household Class circa 1700 (Part 1) Estimates of slaveholding (# and %) in three Household Asset Classes in the South Ward of 1700 New York with links to spreadsheet data from the 1695 Tax Rolls and 1703 Census.

Ethnic Composition of New-York 1700-1730 (Part 1) Transcribed Data from Joyce D. Goodfriend along with graphs of Ethnicity of White Adult Males showing changes in the proportion of English/Dutch in the first 30 years of 18th century.

Night Watch/Lighting Expenditures (Part 2) New York's dramatic increase in wealth during the Seven Years War (1756 - 1763) provided both the incentive and the funds for an improved Watch and City Lighting.

Growth of the FDNY - The First Four Decades (Part 2) This hard-working graph shows the growth in engines and firemen from the inception of the FDNY in 1738 to 1775. Also shown are the references for each.

New-York Fires 1761 - 1775 (Part 2) There were twenty-five newsworthy fires in New York between 1761 and 1775. Graphs here show number of fires for each year and summary type of fire for the period. Such a great graph from Part 1 we repeated it.

Comparison of Firemen in 1772 & 1776 (Part 2) List of firemen in 1776 which when compared to list of 1772 results in graph of number who stayed with department, those who resigned, and those who replaced those who left. Derived from lists of firemen made available in downloadable spreadsheets.

Firemen in Patriot Military, Loyalists, Others (Part 2) Analysis and graphs of estimates of the number (and %) of firemen who joined the Patriot military, those who were loyalists, those who left town, and those uncategorized who may have stayed in town. Derived from comprehesive lists of firemen, military records, and loyalists made available in spreadsheet databases.

Fires in New York 1777 – 1783 (Part 3) Number and scale of fires from 1777 – 1783 including references.