Illustration 2 & 25: Map of Combustibles Found During/After 1776 Fire

The combustibles discovered during and after the fire were usually "matches", large fire-sticks eighteen inches long and one inch square. A flammable mixture of rosin and brimstone (a sulfurous compound) covered several inches of one or both ends of the stick. The fire-sticks were made to be used on fire-ships against the British fleet in the harbor. See Chapter 12 for further information on fireships.

As shown above, matches or bundles of matches were found on people or in buildings along Broadway (3), Broad (2), Dock and little Dock, New, Smith, Water Streets, Fly Market and near Cruger's Wharf. Kegs of gunpowder were found on Broadway and Smith Street. Most of the production of matches was centered on Cruger's Wharf. See Appendix 25 for references and witness list.